100author.com  J. R. Ward

セシリア・アハーン Cecelia Ahern


P.S.アイラヴユー PS, I Love You

ホリーに突然おそいかかった夫ジェリーの死。泣き暮らす彼女の元に、ある日手紙が届く。中身は開封すべき月が指定された10通の手紙、そして文末にはいつも「P.S.アイラヴユー」の文字が……。それは絶望にくれる妻への思いがけない贈り物だった。家族と友人に見守られながら、徐々に生きる力を取り戻していくホリーを通し、愛の喪失と再生を描いた感動作を林真理子が翻訳。本作は著者の処女作ながら全世界で500万部以上のベストセラーを記録、数々の賞を受賞した。ヒラリー・スワンク主演による映画は2008年10月に日本全国ロードショー。 以上 P.S.アイラヴユー (小学館文庫)

洋書は、 PS, I Love You ( Movie Tie-IN版) , PS, I Love You (Harper版)
DVDは、P.S.アイラヴユー プレミアム・エディション [DVD]
P.S.アイラヴユー [Blu-ray]

Kindle PS, I Love You : $3.96

100novelist.com : P.S.アイラヴユーのまとめページ

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愛は虹の向こうに Where Rainbows Ends 愛は虹の向こうに Where Rainbows Ends (Love, Rogie)

幼なじみのロージーとアレックスは何でも話せる親友同士。友情が愛に変わる一線を越えられぬまま、大西洋の両側、ボストンとアイルランドに別れて生きることになる。その後もメールやチャット、手紙で近況を伝えあうふたりだが、近づこうとするたびに運命のいたずらに翻弄され、その距離はなかなか縮まらない。妊娠、就職、結婚、子育て、別れ等を経ていつか四〇年を越える歳月が流れるが…。ふたりの交流が残した記録を通じて描かれる新形式のラヴストーリー。『P.S.アイラヴユー』で鮮烈なデビューを飾ったC.アハーン、前作以上の感動を呼ぶ待望の第二作。二〇〇四年に出版、アイルランド、イギリスでベストセラーとなり、読者投票による二〇〇五年度の独・コリーネ賞を受賞。   以上 愛は虹の向こうに (小学館文庫)

洋書は、 Where Rainbows End
オーディオCDは、Where Rainbows End

Kindle Love, Rosie : $5.65

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もし、君に僕が見えたら If You Could See Me Now(A Silver Lining)
インテリア・デザイン会社を経営するエリザベスは、妹シアーシャが育児放棄のため甥のルークの面倒を見ている。エリザベスと同居している6歳のルークは、放埓な母親と父親の生き様に反抗するかのように、規則正しい、几帳面な生活を送る毎日だったが、ある日、アイヴァンという不思議な男が現れる。年恰好はエリザベスと同じぐらいの、ルークと友だちというアイヴァンが、エリザベスのかたくなな心を少しずつ開かせていく。 以上 
もし、君に僕が見えたら 上 (ゴマ文庫)
もし、君に僕が見えたら 下 (ゴマ文庫)
洋書は、 If You Could See Me Now.

KindleIf You Could See Me Now: $4.76

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A Place Called Here

Since Sandy Shortt's childhood schoolmate disappeared twenty years ago, Sandy has been obsessed with missing things. Finding becomes her goal - whether it's the odd sock that vanished in the washing machine, the car keys she misplaced in her rush to get to work or the graver issue of finding the people who vanish from their lives. Sandy dedicates her life to finding these missing people, offering devastated families a flicker of hope. Jack Ruttle is one of those desperate people. It's been a year since his brother, Donal vanished into thin air and the sleepless nights and frantic days aren't getting any easier. Thinking Sandy Shortt could well be the answer to his prayers, he embarks on a quest to find her. But, when Sandy goes missing too, her search ends when she stumbles upon the place - and people - she's been looking for all of her life. A world away from her loved ones and the home she ran from for so long, Sandy soon resorts to her old habit again, searching. Though this time, she is desperately trying to find her way home!

洋書は、 A Place Called Here
オーディオCDは、A Place Called Here

Kindle There's No Place Like Here : $6.29

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Thanks for the Memories
Someone’s life can be depending on you right now. . . . That’s the pitch that finally persuades Justin Hitchcock to donate blood--the first thing that’s come straight from his heart in a long time. Restless and lonely, Justin chased his ex-wife and daughter from Chicago to London, and now he’s in Dublin, guest lecturing to bored college students. When he receives a basket of muffins with a thank you note attached, he’s sure someone’s playing a joke on him, especially when the presents keep coming. Intrigued, Justin is determined to solve the mystery--a quest that will change his life forever."

洋書は、 Thanks for the Memories: A Novel
オーディオCDは、Thanks for the Memories

KindleThanks for the Memories : $9.99

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The Gift
Step into the magical world of Cecelia Ahern in this heartwarming bestseller! If you could wish for one gift this Christmas, what would it be? Everyday Lou Suffern battled with the clock. He always had two places to be at the same time. He always had two things to do at once. When asleep he dreamed. In between dreams, he ran through the events of the day while making plans for the next. When at home with his wife and family, his mind was always someplace else. On his way into work one early winter morning, Lou meets Gabe, a homeless man sitting outside the office building. Intrigued by him and on discovering that he could also be very useful to have around, Lou gets Gabe a job in the post room. But soon Lou begins to regret helping Gabe. His very presence unsettles Lou and how does Gabe appear to be in two places at the same time? As Christmas draws closer, Lou starts to understand the value of time. He sees what is truly important in life yet at the same time he learns the harshest lesson of all. This is a story about people who not unlike parcels, hide secrets.They cover themselves in layers until the right person unwraps them and discovers what's inside. Sometimes you have to be unravelled in order to find out who you really are. For Lou Suffern, that took time. 以上 

洋書は、 The Gift
オーディオCDは、The Gift
KindleThe Gift : $9.99

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The Book of Tomorrow
Tamara Goodwin has always got everything she's ever wanted. Born into a family of wealth, she grew up in a mansion with its own private beach, a wardrobe full of designer clothes, a large four poster bed complete with a luxurious bathroom en-suite. She's always lived in the here and now, never giving a second thought to tomorrow. But then suddenly her dad is gone and life for Tamara and her mother changes forever. Left with a mountain of debt, they have no choice but to sell everything they own and move to the country to live with Tamara's Uncle and Aunt. Nestled next to Kilsaney Castle, their gatehouse is a world away from Tamara's childhood. With her mother shut away with grief, and her aunt busy tending to her, Tamara is lonely and bored and longs to return to Dublin. When a travelling library passes through Kilsaney Demesne, Tamara is intrigued. She needs a distraction. Her eyes rest on a mysterious large leather bound tome locked with a gold clasp and padlock. With some help, Tamara finally manages to open the book. What she discovers within the pages takes her breath away and shakes her world to its core. Told in Cecelia's imitable style, The Girl of Tomorrow is a mesmerising and magical story for this autumn.  以上 

洋書は、 The Book of Tomorrow
オーディオCDは、The Book of Tomorrow

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ステファニー・メイヤー セシリア・アハーンは、アイルランド・ダブリン出身。二十一歳で書いたデビュー作『P.S.アイラヴユー』は、四〇カ国以上で翻訳され、アイルランド、英国、米国などでベストセラーとなり、ヒラリー・スワンク主演による映画化も大成功を収めた。二作目の本作もアイルランド、英国でベストセラーとなり、独・コリーネ賞を受賞。
PS, I Love You 「P.S.アイラヴユー」
Where Rainbows Ends 「愛は虹の向こうにー」
・If You Could See Me Now 「もし、君に僕が見えたら」
・A Place Called Here
・Thanks for the Memories
・The Gift
・The Book of Tomorrow (最新作)


海外作家をジャンル別に紹介します。 read more
